پاورپوینت Alliums

دسته بندي : فنی و مهندسی » صنایع غذایی
 پاورپوینت Alliums

فرمت پاورپوینت : pptx

قابل ویرایش

تعداد اسلاید : 122

قسمتی از پاورپوینت :
History of Onions
Origins in Asia.
Grown by Chinese 5000 year ago.
Reference in oldest Vedic Writings from India.
In Sumerian text 4500 years old.
Worshiped as a symbol of eternity in Egypt. Buried with Pharaohs. Onion paintings on inner walls of pyramids.
King Ramses IV, died in 1160, was entombed with onions on his eyes.
References in Bible Old Testament.
In writing of Greeks and Romans .
One of three main vegetables during
Middle Ages (cabbage and beans).
Romans brought Alliums to Celts, Germans
Benedictine Monks helped to distribute Alliums
Much beloved in Spain
Balkans enjoyed, Northern Europeans disliked
Used as curative for plague

دسته بندی: فنی و مهندسی » صنایع غذایی

تعداد مشاهده: 9404 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:.ppt

فرمت فایل اصلی: ppt

تعداد صفحات: 122

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